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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 6  FOX  October 11, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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longest serving member of the board that over sos the company and he's not currently on the board. this petapes to conduct that occurred between 2008-2010. metro was thinking of desposing of property in the shaw neighborhood south of florida avenue around eighth street northwest. jim graham did not like the proposed developer banniker properties. banniker ventures and withouted board's knowledge, he approached the developer anded if you, according to the report, if you drop out of the bill, i will try to push the lucrative d.c. contract in a certain direction. this, according to the board, the lawfirm and board at metro, violates the standards of conduct. the fact that council member graham, let's see, and -- he
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pitted, council member graham pitted the interest of the couple of the district of columbia against the interests of metro and, thereby, unnecessarily created a conflict of interest or at least the appearance of a conflict of interest. jim graham issued a statement saying i am told they might be issuing a report concerning me. i have not been given the courtesy of the copy of the report and i am not aware of the findings. is this is -- this is not a criminal charge but, however, the private attorneys who prepared this did tell reporters at least one law enforcement agency, they wouldn't name the one, asked for one of its own. >> and what would -- that agency, although we don't know what it sorry, be looking into
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as far as perhaps criminal activity? >> you know, i know -- to speculate. i can't imagine that any money was involved, knowing jim graham, and why was he so corn concernd? maybe he has a good explaining, maybe he thinks there should have been more affordable housing and maybe the interest of the city and the metro board were in the same direction. he didn't tell board members and some were plainly angry, few of them and they serve on the board. some were angry that he was dealing, unbeknownst to managers and board members here with the developer and trying -- trying to say no, no, i want you off of the project. plainly, the metro board doesn't like what happened and have decided to strengthen their own code and this is a
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violation of the existing conduct code. >> where does the metro board can go from here? is it the end of it? once they release the board? >> it is. there is no way to monitor or censure a board member gone. he did not get reappointed to the metro board. this is up to law enforcement and the court of public opinion. >> all right, john henrehan tonight. following a news alert from silver spring. late this afternoon a four-year- old boy fell from an 8th story apartment window and he was taken to children's hospital in serious condition. we'll have more at 10. and we're on the campaign trail now. in hours, joe biden and paul ryan will go head-to-head. the one and only showdown before the elect. undecided voters and analysts closely watching to so which comes out on top. bob vernard has more on the vice presidential debate preview. >> reporter: the locals are
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calling it the thrill in theville, as in danville, kentucky. more than a side show but not critical as the presidential debate. tonight's biden-ryan faceoff could help sway a few voters, when, in some places, everyone counts. vice president joe biden arriving in kentucky this afternoon now three hours until his one and only debate, with congressman paul ryan. mitt romney's running mate keeping a low public profile. here he is out for coffee. >> joe biden's been on the stage many times before. this is my first time. sure, it's a nervous situation. >> reporter: during their 90- minute debate, they will be sitting at a table at center cool them danville, covering domestic and foreign policy issues, leaving delaware this morning, the vice president seemed upbeat. >> and i'm looking forward to it. >> reporter: he promised an aggressive performance. >> reporter: paul ryan is the intellectual leader of the republican party, according to
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mitt romney and all we're asking for is an honest conversation of what the impact of the policies will be and that is the vice president's goal, to have that conversation. we'll have it about our policies and they should have it about theirs. >> reporter: his staff hoping that ryan can pull a romney on biden and president obama admitting he had a bad night last week. in fact, first of the three presidential debates. >> and many people suggested that romney would do well in that first debate. very few people, at least they know, thought the president of the united states would essentially fold his cards in the first debate. this was the shock to people. >> reporter: the latest some of them say a good deal is writing on the vice president's performance tonight. >> and that is why it's important that joe biden comes back and basically thwart all of the momentum that the ryan- romney ticket has. >> reporter: and that is despite new figures on the job
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front andd labor department reporting that tha339,000 americans were seeking jobs last week, lower in four years and 40,000 fewer than the previous week. at a campaign stop in florida, president obama took shots at his challenger, accusing mitt romney of performing an extreme makeover to woo voters while mitt romney was in north carolina today, visiting reverend billy graham and for decades making the gallop poll's list of most admired men. >> you can watch the presidential -- vice presidential debate here. and we want to hear from you let us know. the u.s. named an interim successor to chris stevens. the state department announced topin -- top diplomat lawrence pope will take the position, a 31 year foreign officer, speaks arabic and retired in 2,000.
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he will stay in the position until a permanent position is found. three other americans and stevens died in that ambush. u.s. officials are condemning the shooting of a 49- year-old pakistani -- 14-year- old pakistani girl shot twit by taliban militants this week. they're outraged over the attack. it happened on tuesday as act have visto activists milala usee was on the way home from school. the unknown gunman asked for her by name and shot her in the head and neck. an advocate for girls education, writes a blog for the bbc under the life, the tale ban. all eyes are on the nationals. not literally, but we're watching as they get closer to the world series. and here's more from outside of baltimore park. >> and this is's must win to stay alive k. they force it tonight? this is underway going into the bottom of the 7th and tied at
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one. the fans here have gotten up plenty of times and the stolo run off of the bat of adam laroche and the fourth starter in the rotation and saving the best for the sixth-inning pitch and -- pitch. one earned run, zero earned runs, three hits allowed and have some redskins news to get to and rg3, of course, back at practice and how did he fair? and the latest leg, they will meet him when the news edge at 6 continues. gary. >> and thanks, scott. listen, a great day all around. superday for baseball. you know that. looks like we continue with a good looking forecast. we'll have it for you. stay with us, the edge will continue. lett me tell you how i will create 12 million jobs
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when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message.
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[ female announcer ] he says... president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class families. [ female announcer ] but this is what the budget plan mitt romney supports actually does. more huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. while cutting nearly eight hundred billion from medicaid... even though middle-class families rely on medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care. and it helps parents support children with disabilities. if mitt romney really "cares," wouldn't we see it in his priorities? . it's been a turbulent few weeks for american airlines, thanks to flight cancellations and delays.
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and today, the all eyed pilot's association is -- and represents 10,000 pilots. they expect a fair contract. >> we took big cuts back in 9/11 to prevent the company from going into bankruptcy and piloting gave them 8$00 million in concessions. over the last deck seed, they took bonuses every year, hundreds of millions in bonuses. basically what we gave them and allowed the airline to deteriorate. >> american said it's feeling the effects of the ongoing dispute as more passengers are booking with other airlines. the food bank moved to a new bigger location in northeast and this afternoon, eleanor holmes norton was on celebration. she said the needle grow as budget cuts loom.
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>> there will be cuts and people. with no place else to go. >> each year, the food bank distributes 30 million pounds of food. coming up, a possible crackdown on internet sales tax. >> twins aj and mj had trouble eating dinner. couldn't stay awake. they spent the day on the beach. by the time lunch rolled around, they were too tired. re [ female announcer ] it's one of the hardest decisions a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen.
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[ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message.
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. we continue at 6 waiting to see if the nationals can pull out a win against the cardinals and that is before hoards of people arrive. bill pike was the first person in line at 6:30 a.m.
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for standing room only tickets. >> it's been a really, really exciting game. really, really exciting. even when they lose, it's exciting and i watched steven strauss bug pitch at all of his three professional debut venues and this is somethings that exploded on to the scene this year and it's been really, really great. >> he's retiring and moving out of the city soon. he's not the only nats fan watching the excitement. paul wagner is among the fans and joining us live from the park. paul? >> reporter: and everyoning we would be on the air, i thought what can we do that is going to be interesting. the game won't be over by the time we come on the air and this is what by did. we found night nine fans and i asked each to continue tell me what they were going to have to do is to win the game.
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this is what they said. >> i'm going to hit a home run the first time up. >> brace harper. >> needs to play the game and be aggressive on the pad and the outfield and with two for four and get on base for some runs. >> ryan zimmerman. >> has to catch every ball that come his way and drill hard, don't hit. >> adam laroche. >> i need to hit three for four and hit in three rbis. >> michael moore. >> he has to get into the beast mode and go deep. >> ian desmond. >> i am going to try to steal every ball that comes my way and help my team to win. >> danny espinosa. >> i think he's going hit a big grand- grand-slam. >> suzuki. >> he's going to, one, throw someone out of second, two, make lots of blocks with the pitches and, three, he has a drive between the left folder
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and center folder. >> wallace. >> throw a no-hitter. >> and i'm manager davie johnson. if debt wilier stumbles, i am going to the penn. >> and he went to the penn and he did not throw a no-hitter; however, in the predictions, there was one that was right, adam laroche drove in the only run and zimmerman had a single and there is two hits so far. was out there yesterday. >> just walked in and the beast was coming up the bat. >> all right. >> and kind of progress. >> yeah. >> and listen, ray a great day out there today. i do believe that tomorrow will probably be just about as good if not a little bit better. it's going to be warmer
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tomorrow. we'll have a couple more clouds. but i looked all day long. i didn't find a cloud in the sky out there and i doubt with the setting sun out there right now, there is any clouds popping up as l. the temperatures dropped off more&here in the city bwi marshal as l. and we have a real dry atmosphere. the dew points are super low. as the sun sets, we're going to have no clouds and wind and the temperature it is dropping out there. gaithersburg, 57; 62 for fredericksburg and culpeper, 61 and all along i-81 and to the west from winchester, martinsburg, and hagerstown. temperatures have dropped off into the 50s and some clear skies. on through the evening hours. and lower 50s by 11:00. and that means in the upper 40s out in the suburbs. again, severe weather weather after sunset. and be prepared for that. this is the weekend forecast.
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looks pretty good. 64 on saturday and loads of sunshine. 71 on sunday and a few clouds out there. it does look like we're going to stay dry on sunday and warmer and again some clouds. ef state around maryland and virginia, cloud tree in -- free and you have to go to the west before you find anything in the way of clouds and to the north. up in into upstate new york, some clouds up there now. overnight lows look like this. 47, d.c.; monasses, 43; fredericksburg in the mid-40s and winds shifting to the southwest and with that in mind, the temperatures won't drop down into the 30s areawide and with good amounts of sunshine tomorrow and 66
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intown, lower to mid-60s in the suburbs and oh, yeah, and there is no rain in seat site and 49. mostly sunny at lunch and in to the front and this is looking good the next few days and on to the weekend. a high on sunday at 71 degrees and brian, the next chance of rain it looks like will be on monday. >> all right, gary. there are now nearly as many cell phone subscribers as there are people across the globe. and that is estimated 6 bottom people have cell phones. the global population is 7 billion. consumers ask can pay an internet sales tax. as it stands, most online retailers don't enforce the charge and ever time shoppers buy online, they're supposed to pay sales tax to their home
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state. finance expects expect more states to crack down. >> scott smith is live from nats park. >> and move over, hope diamond. astronomers found a planet made largely of dimons. it was discovered in 2004 and a northbound star in the milky way. the rocky planet composed of carbon in the form of diamond and graphite and iron. they estimate a third of the planet's mass is likely pure diamonds. let me tell you how i will create 12 million jobs when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china,
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and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message.
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. i'm scott smith. as the sun is setting here at nats park, the sun might be setting on the nats season if they don't do something about it tonight. and this game is underway, game
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4 tied at 1 in the eighth inning. the one run earned by adam laroche, the big story was the pitching done by ross debt wilier, the sixth-inning pitch, allowed one run and is gone now. they need to win tonight and again tomorrow. if they do, game one of the nlcs will be here on fox 5 coming up on sunday and the team they will face was decide earlier today and the reds and giants. and top of the 5th, buster posey and he unloads them, grand slam, san fran and they hang half a dozen in that inning alone and on the plate and the bump. giant comes back from 0-2 in the series and with that first time the nl team did that and
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what about last night? yankees down 2-1 in the bottom of the night. ibanez and the pink error error hit for rodriguez and comes through with the solo home run to tie it up. all air to arod and loving it. pick it up, tied at 2, still, in the bottom of the 12th. ibanez strikes again. a walkoff home run, the first to hit two runs in the ninth or later in the post season. game four tonight, orioles- yankees coming up at 7:30. also, joe girardi, the manager of the yankees, his father at the age of 81, passed away this morning and high will stick around and manage the game tonight. rg3 at practice, second consecutive practice after suffering the concussion four days ago. he normally takes about 95 to 85% of the rap in practice. fewer and he said he feels good and we shall see on rg3. and what about the kicker and
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we saw him earlier this week. he was named the nation's best college kit kidd in 2009 and ucla. the pro career has yet to blossom and high spent 2011 on injured reserve and in tampa bay making all five of the kick. he could not beat out connor for the starting judge. the 19th kicker the last 18 years and for the redskins and faced tough competition to earn the job. >> they try to make it as pressure pack as possible and have all of the coaches out there and people filming. and they gave me connect errors, whatever it was. >> everyone has an experience to start out with. you have to have an opportunity and we had some great competition on this field and key had -- we had other guys
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who was more seasoned and he performed in a very tough situation. >> unlike the previous two games, this is a nail-biter, a 1-1 ball game, the starting pitching did a fantastic job, again, ross debt wilier, six strong innings and zimmerman out of the pen and we'll keep you updated, lindsay murphy will bring you post game from the club house after the game. >> and thank you, scott. now you have the news edge. the fox is always on back here at 10, the news edge at 11 as always. hope you will be, too. make it [ female announcer ] it's one of the hardest decisions
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a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message.
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infringement on our lives.s like wplace tsuch an...even.d pay... how dare they step into my life that way. it's none of their business. he's trying to restrict us, again. he's taking us backwards. george allen is the last thing we need in washington. anncr: the democratic senatorial campaign committee is... responsible for the content of this advertising. take away his toys and he'll play with a stick. take away their bikes and they'll still find a way to get where they're going. but if take you away early childhood education... slash k-12 funding... and cut college aid for middle class families ... they won't go far.


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